Tried & True

Erasmus+ KA2

Project description

The 2021-2027 program gives high priority to people with the fewest opportunities. Young adults with the fewest opportunities and job seekers are particularly targeted through training mobility opportunities. In 2019, NEETs (Neither in Employment, nor in Education or Training) accounted for more than 12.5% of 15–29-year-old in the EU, and the percentage of NEETs among 24–29-year-old is even higher (source INSEE).

The Erasmus+ program is a vector of integration for this target group. Mobility through internships in companies improves the employability of these adults and their entry or return to the labour market. However, the involvement of local companies, the link between the results of mobility and the labour market or entrepreneurship are still weak. With this project TRIED and TRUE we would like to create an opportunity for cooperation between several European organizations to exchange good practices in terms of post-Erasmus monitoring and support (and/or other international mobility) of job seekers (NEET adults and long-term unemployed).

Project objectives

– Develop the capacity of trainers and teachers by sharing best practises and promoting skills acquired through mobility;

– Strengthen the skills, training and mentoring competencies of adult educators, trainers, social counsellors and tutors to promote the professional and social inclusion of their audiences;

– Improve adult learners’ access to the labour market by enhancing and leveraging their new soft, professional, intercultural and language skills acquired during their mobility;

– Raise awareness of the labour market, the companies involved, international experiences, the benefits and promotion of the Erasmus+ programme in the business community;

– Establish a network of professionals in the field of formal and non-formal education working with this target group and/or with Erasmus+ mobility.

Project results

– Capacity of the partner organisations in the field of project management will be increased

– Training and mentoring competences of all LTTAs participants will be increased

– Best practices will be disseminated among the project countries

– A network of professionals in the field of formal, non-formal and informal education will be created

– Innovative ideas will emerge to build upon in the next step as a post-Erasmus pathway, including specific curricula to accompany the public in their social and vocational inclusion and to promote the ErasmusPro benefits

Project partners

Ici et Ailleurs, France
DomSpain Slu, Spain
Eurosuccess Consulting Limited, Cyprus
European Development Foundation Bulgaria, Sofia
Foyle International Ltd. United Kingdom, Northern Ireland
"Microkosmos" Associazione Culturale Italo-Ellenica per la Formazione, Italy

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