Visits4u is an 18-month project aimed at providing training and capacity building in inclusive tourism, seeking to improve the user experience and make inclusive tourism sustainable.
The project is based on European research showing that staff attitude is considered a key factor for an enjoyable experience. The aim of visits4u will be to achieve better customer satisfaction in inclusive tourism, focusing on improving staff competencies and improving access to information. This will be done through training, seminars for local tourism businesses, practical studies – demonstrating that accessibility is good business – and toolkits to help embed inclusive practices.
visits4u’s goal is to establish stronger networks with tourism businesses, along with greater trust, knowledge and commitment to making their services more accessible and, as a result, more sustainable.
The aim of visits4u is to establish stronger networks with tourism companies, along with greater confidence, knowledge and commitment to make their services more accessible and, as a result, more sustainable.
1. Capacity building
This is the pillar of the visits4u and will involve tailored training for partners and local tourism industry staff, entrepreneurs and SMEs. This package includes the development of a training module on inclusive tourism, which will be tested by partners in Italy and Bulgaria.
2. Study and design of itineraries
The partners will draw a detailed map of available offers and present an updated profile of accessible tourism in their region. The proposed itineraries will be evaluated by accessibility professionals.
3. Product development and implementation
It will include the development of tourism packages in the partner countries based on two themes: modern art and history. Eventually, information on these products will also be made available in sign language and easy-to-read formats.
4. Dissemination and evaluation
The last work package will involve the promotion of the tourism products and the exchange of project results at the final conference in Latvia.
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