Tools 4 Teaching (T4T)

Erasmus+ KA2

Project description

The COVID 19 pandemic and recent developments in teaching tools pose new challenges in front of educators and training professionals. Improving trainers’ competences in this field and equipping them with practical exercises how to build and sustain effective group dynamics via digital tools will help them to be more effective, capable and confident when preparing for and delivering their online lessons.

T4T is a 24-month project focused on strengthening capacity of adult educators and training professionals to work more effectively in online learning environments and for ensuring better engagement and involvement of their learners.

Project objectives

– Improving educators’ competences about the specifics of building and sustaining effective online group dynamics and ensuring high level of learners’ experience in digital classroom through development of Guidelines and a Resource Library on the topic.

– Increase educators’ knowledge and skills to offer and maintain high level of interaction and involvement of students in digitally delivered lessons and sessions through creating an interactive data base with hands-on energisers, warm-up and wrap-up activities suitable for online environment, as well as video resources how to easily apply them.

– Creating a network of educational professionals and training providers in the field of formal, non-formal and informal education.

– Promoting cross-sector and transnational cooperation between partner countries and active exchange of experience and lessons learnt between educational providers from formal, non-formal and informal area.

Project results

– Design Guidelines how to better set up effective group dynamics in online learning environment.

– Developing a Resource Library with helpful resources how to maintain effective group interaction in online learning environment.

– Creating practical exercises suitable for online learning environment and boosting group dynamics.

– Organizing a series of international webinars to pilot the developed exercises into partner countries.

Project partners

DomSpain SLU, Spain
VI One Consultancy, Netherlands
ARTIED Ltd, Bulgaria
MyArtist Koin.S.Ep., Greece

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