The project aims to provide owners, members, managers, and employees of Family Businesses with the knowledge, skills and competencies required to manage ownership, and growth and achieve succession planning and professionalisation within the company.
There is few or inadequate research conducted in the European context regarding this type of business despite the fact that It constitutes one of the most significant form of business organisation in Europe. This project aims to fill the gap in what owners, members, managers and employees of Family Business know about their institution and its very own characteristics that differentiate them from other types of businesses.
The contribution of the “SFaB – VET” training program will be to meet the special needs of a family business by providing scientific knowledge, methodological tools and applied best practices to train family and non-family members of the business and thus optimize the overall performance.
Support Family Business project’s main goal is the production of a high-quality VET microlearning programme, focused on Family business and its uniqueness compared to other types of business.
The specific objectives of the proposal are:
– To support family businesses in identifying possible threats and dangers for their enterprise and providing them with ways of dealing with them or overcoming the risk.
– To inform professionals from the fields of sustainability, economics, and generally the business world about Family Businesses, their role, and their importance within the EU market.
– To explore new opportunities and possibilities for cooperation as a crucial part of doing business.
– Promote the lifelong learning dimension of higher education including innovative ways of learning.
– Το create an original and innovative educational tool, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Family Business Management that will help participants understand this type of enterprise specific needs and challenges.
– To offer training of high quality and capacity building to the personnel and members of family business.
– To provide through the MOOC certification and alongside other E+ tools (ECVET), a practical way of proving one’s capacity in Family Business Management.
– Α Masive Online Open Course- MOOC programme built upon carefully designed learning objectives and offered in an engaging, interactive way. The SFaB MOOC covers the special needs of a family business by providing scientific knowledge, methodological tools and applied best practices to train family and non-family members of the business and thus optimize the performance of the business. (The MOOC will consist of 5 modules:
– The Support Family Business Toolkit, a manual with presentation of successful examples, good practices and highlights of the theory, that can be used irrespective of the SFaB-MOOC Programme and could still provide those who will use it, with valid and high-grade knowledge about the topic.
– Videos from the Multiplier Events & the Project’s Promotional Video.
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