Promoting 3 Age Education

Erasmus+ KA2

Project description

The two-year project will provide older people with a wide range of language training courses so that they can continue to study on a permanent basis. They can then enjoy their free time while attending quality training that will enable them to keep up with new technologies and improve their foreign language communication skills. These courses aim to encourage people to acquire new knowledge, encouraging them to develop foreign languages, which are crucial for travelling abroad as well as for memory training, meeting new people and definitely continuing to grow.

Project objectives

  • To develop and provide a quality educational offer through the online platform developed during the project for the senior citizens of our area in order to improve their quality of life.

Project results

  • Benchmarking of the situation of teaching older adults in partner countries.
  • Online courses: English for travelers, English for beginners, improve your level of Catalan and European identity.

Project partners

DomSpain (coordinator) - Spain
LatConsul - Latvia
Kurzemes NVO atbalsta centrs - Latvia
Kretingos rajono PSC - Lithuania
UTZO - Slovenia

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