Digital literacy, together with literacy and numeracy, is nowadays seen as a fundamental asset whose lack is considered to be almost invalidating. Almost every day new digital technologies are developed or evolve from existing ones, changing human behaviour in social, educational, working and many other fields.
The pace at which innovation moves is so fast that it leaves behind some portions of the population, especially older population groups or the people that for some reason left their studies at an early age. Nevertheless, even in highly educated population groups digital knowledge is often at a very low or inexistent level. One of the fields that has undergone an exceptional amount of changes caused by this phenomenon called DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, is labour field, in which the ever-growing use of digital technologies is creating the risk for some sectors to be left behind and to become obsolete and outdated.
Producing a collection of best practices and educational materials to fill digital and entrepreneurial knowledge gaps for handcrafting VET trainers and business coaches;
Create/enhance handcrafting entrepreneurs’ digital and entrepreneurial skills and competencies;
Improve the awareness of present handcrafting entrepreneurs and investors on the possibilities offered by digital technologies and instruments implementation in handcrafting sector.
Toolset made of three different interactive tools: Self-Evaluation Tool on Handcrafting Industry Digitalization, Interactive Library, Learning Platform
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