The project seeks to achieve social inclusion of young adults in marginal areas (more concretely, Rinkeby and Tensta in Stockholm, Sweden, and the Tarragona province in Spain), using football as the main tool. The main objective is to educate coaches to encourage football practice in a safe and inclusive environment and give them the tools to engage and develop young players so they don’t lose interest and keep practicing sport.
Main specific objectives are:
– To create educational materials that train coaches in values such as teamwork, respect and empathy, through football, that can be used in their daily life.
– to raise awareness about the potential of sport as a tool for social inclusion.
– To support the engagement of young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds in community activities
– To work out a common strategy to address common needs in education and sport
– To reinforce capacity of the participating organisations to work transnationally and across sectors (sports, education, digitalization, etc.)
The main results of the project will be a set of guidelines based on good practices and case studies which, at its time, will be the base for the development of a training course for young adults who want to become football coaches. Both the guidelines and the course will be in line with the priority of Inclusion and Diversity, as they will focus on how to up-skill young adults from marginal areas from very difficult backgrounds (migrants, NEETs, low-qualified adults… through the delivery of training courses in safe and comfortable environments. At the same time, the teachers/coaches/mentors involved in this delivery, who will have benefited from the guidelines, will improve their competences and will be capable of delivering the course to the young adults in their communities. Eventually, young adults will be able to start applying the new knowledge obtained in different community clubs and accessing jobs and opportunities related to football and the sport in general.
In regards to the current digital era, our course will be digital for all the theory sessions with a support service for doubts and questions on an individual level via email. The sessions will be organised via Zoom – students and teachers will meet online and all Q&A sessions will take place either via Zoom or emails. This is in line with the priority of digital transformation, since football has rarely been adapted to digital means and has mainly been taught to practice.
Apart from the theoretical e-learning platform, partners will practice on the football field with teachers/educators/ coaches involved in the project to ensure that the knowledge is acquired and that the new coaches can apply it in a real-life situation.
The knowledge and skills obtained will be used for coaching football and other sports because much of the tools and practices can be replicable for other sports or group activities. At the same time, the young adults who have completed the training.
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