Green Advisor: “enhancing environmental sustainability of EU funded projects”
The project aims to mainstream green practices in international projects, looking at the whole arc of project management/implementation activities by developing a self-assessment and strategic set of tools, including training resources and a tailor-made Carbon Footprint calculator, designed for project managers and participants of Erasmus+ activities, to measure their environmental footprint (impact) and, encourage them to acquire green transition competencies applied on EU project management to concretely put in place compensation/pre-emptive measures to balance the pollution/environmental impact produced in Erasmus+ transnational cooperation.
Green advisor wants to:
Green mainstreaming Erasmus+ projects looking at the whole arc of project management/implementation activities by developing a self-assessment and strategic tool for project managers and participants of Erasmus+ to measure their environmental footprint, and encourage them to acquire green transition competencies applied on EU project management to concretely put in place compensation/preemptive measures to balance the pollution/environmental impact produced in Erasmus+ transnational cooperation
– Environmental quality assurance framework on European project management
– Footprint Calculator and Orientation Online Tool
– Green open badge system to introduce an Environmental Quality Assurance System for EU projects
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