The GELATOn the ROAD project aims to create the first European Road of Gelato (Erog), focusing on energy and environmental sustainability, product and raw material quality, innovation in the artisan gelato supply chain system, and the culture and enhancement of the territory. Gelato, a beloved product enjoyed by people of all ages, serves as an ideal vehicle for conveying essential concepts such as production and product sustainability, quality and territory, the culture of good food, tradition, and innovation.
By implementing a defined set of activities, the project engages stakeholders in the production chain, including material and machine manufacturing companies, gelato makers, and product innovators. It also aims to inform and involve adult and young customers through the gelato road, which spans across 12 European countries.
1. Promote green and sustainable tourism through innovations in gastronomic attractions, particularly focusing on artisanal gelato.
2. Enhance circular economy performance and improve transportation management related to cultural tourism.
3. Increase the use of renewable resources in buildings and tourism sites.
4. Establish a quality label for gelato makers that meets strict sustainability requirements.
5. Strengthen the promotion and circulation of European gastronomic cultural heritage and support slow open-air tourism.
6. Aid in the recovery of the cultural tourism sector post-Covid-19 and support diversity and gender equality.
– Creation of a Sustainability Protocol for quality and sustainable gelato production.
– Development of a Manifesto and Protocol of Understanding to guide participating entities.
– Establishment of a Sustainability Label with a logo and QR codes for certified gelato makers.
– Launch of the European Road of Gelato (ERoG), an itinerary spanning 12 European countries highlighting gelato culture and production.
– Introduction of the Gelato Passport to recognise and promote outstanding gelato parlours.
– Implementation of a Pop-Up Museum Tour to enhance awareness and engagement with artisanal gelato at various sites along the road.
– Creation of dedicated maps, apps, and promotional materials for the ERoG.
– A GELATO Flavour Contest to encourage the creation of new flavors using local products.
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