In today’s Europe where digital skills in the labour market are so needed, the cultural and creative sectors must not be left behind; they need to catch up with the latest digital strategies to engage new audiences and be an active part of the economy.
The cultural and creative industries, including all aspects of heritage and art have been underexplored by a large part of the society for too long. They need motivated and skilled professionals who are able to modernise, digitise and improve their accessibility, promotion and outreach according to the demand of the new digital era. It is essential that the professionals in this sector are duly trained by educators equipped with new specific professional and digital skills.
– To extend educators’ professional competences to train workers in the cultural and creative fields to be more digitally competent
– To prepare learning materials to reinforce digital competences of creative/cultural workers, especially in the area of digitization of cultural heritage
– To create materials to support educators and training staff of creative and cultural industries to organize an accessible cultural event creating synergies between cultural heritages
– To raise awareness about common EU cultural heritage and make it accessible to all, especially in terms of digitization
– To promote cross-territory and cross-sectoral cooperation by establishing new synergies among cultural and educational actors
– An online competence self-assessment tool for skills-mismatch gap analysis of adult educators engaged in creative/cultural industries
– A training course for adult educators engaged in trainings for creative/cultural workers
– An interactive map of artistic/creative objects to promote cultural heritage of
– Partner communities and a database of good practices regarding digitization of cultural heritage and improvement of accessibility of cultural heritage. – A guide on planning, publicizing, and organisation of accessible cultural events; organization of accessible cultural events in local communities
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