AGORA is a project based on regenerative tourism that promotes the consumption of locally sourced products, travelling out of season, travelling to less visited destinations or participating in authentic local experiences, among other aspects.
The main objective is to support individual and community empowerment in local ecosystems by fostering networking and coworking between community partners, local producers and tourism agents, and to help these communities move towards more sustainable and regenerative dynamics through the creation of new community learning environments.
The ultimate goals of the project are to enhance the capacities of community learning centres and interconnect ecosystem actors and encourage them to learn and co-design authentic, immersive and meaningful guest experiences that highlight the uniqueness of each community.
Specific objectives:
– Strengthen the cooperation of ecosystem actors, especially between community partners, local producers, tourism and the education sector.
– Create and promote immersive tourism experiences.
– Promote adult access to relevant lifelong learning, enhance life skills and design tailor-made learning offers.
– Promote authentic regenerative practices and contribute to a more circular tourism system.
– Support local learning environments and promote civic engagement to attract all members of the community to lifelong learning opportunities.
– OER (Open Educational Resource) that will include both the website for the public and the interactive educational sections linked to all the project results, including a collection of good practices from all EU countries covering different key aspects essential for the project (existing experiences of regenerative tourism involving local producers, collaboration between community partners for the development of regenerative tourism experiences, virtual experiences for the promotion of local products…).
– Mixed course for adults involved in their local tourism ecosystems and lacking the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute in a meaningful way.
– Creation of spaces for co-creation and co-design in local communities through the organisation of a cycle of workshops in which all community agents involved in the activity of tourism ecosystems will be able to learn collaboratively and become agents of change in their communities.
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