European trainings

Go a step further

Are you an adult educator looking to enhance your teaching skills? Don’t miss this chance! Dive into the fundamentals of instructional design and organisational strategies for creating high-quality educational programs tailored to low-skilled and low-qualified adult learners.

Discover best practices from around the world that highlight successful approaches to educating and training adults with low skills and qualifications. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and improve your teaching practice for the benefit of your adult learners!


5 Days

Target Group

Adult educators and trainers

Our Objectives

The principles taught in this course can be applied not only in educational and employment projects, but also in other areas, such as human rights, active citizenship, health education, culture, research, etc.

  • Learn cases of international good practice concerning education and training of adult learners with low skills and low qualifications.
  • Discuss characteristics of an adult learner and effective teaching strategies in adult education.
  • Familiarise with technologies and experiment with ICT tools that can be used in adult education. 
  • Discuss motivational strategies to encourage adult learners to start and continue studying.
  • Understand the essential elements of instructional design and organisation of courses and trainings of adult learners with low skills and low qualification.

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